10 May 2005

Growing Up Denatured

Too much inside, not enough outside results in folks who can't tell the difference between maples and oaks and why this distinction matters. Growing Up Denatured (New York Times)

So many people ask me questions about their daffodils or tulips, they have absolutely no concept of what a botanist is or where they can see a "wild" plant. Open your eyes! They are all around. Sadly, this notion is expounded upon in the media (the above article is about a new book). For example, an op-art piece that ran in the Times in October touted chicory as "NYC's plant", for very merky reasons (because "we do our worst, it gives us its best" - which is what, tastier coffee?) See my rebuttal here in pdf format.

And while this ecological illiteracy grows, we continue to lose our native orchids, lilies and magnolias.

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